The Holy Week just ended last Sunday. It is called Easter Sunday. We Christians celebrate the Holy Week with great respect and dedication in the fasting. Here in the house, we totally avoided cooking pork as part of the abstinence. We visited churches here in Tagum City. In other places, people would visit 7 churches. They call it "Visita Iglesia". Since there are only 3 churches here in Tagum, we only visit the three churches.
The Holy Week is the only long vacation that I have for this year. That is why I made it sure that I stay at home with my wife and daughter, Ara. Good Friday was a test of our dedication for the lenten Season. We only cooked and ate Arrozcaldo with chicken. I also prepared Misua soup with egg alone.
In Saturday, I was driving my car when I saw this tyre shop selling tyre mags. I thought that I needed a big change so I told my wife that we needed to change our wheel mags so that our car would look good. Thank God she agreed with me. I told the storekeeper that I will get the rims that I wanted. Since it is a black Saturday, I opeted to make the mag change on the next day.
Sunday arrives. It is already early morning. Approximately around 3 am. We all here in the house are all awake and preparing ourselves for the "Sugat". This is the finale of the Holy Week. Here Jesus Christ is alive once more. It is the first time that I was able to start the event. It is because last year, we arrived late and the only thing we got are few flowers that the angels toss to the people around.
There is a big difference between the Holy Week right and the Holy Week 15 years ago. I remembered that there was no channel on TV that we can watch. No radio station playing their songs on air and the most sad part is that there are no place to go except to stay at home until the Holy Week is finished. But now, Holy Week is celebrate in places like resorts and mountain trails. I forgot to mention that we went to the beach last Easter Sunday with my family and cousins. People have many choices where to go. The inportant thing about Holy Week is that family must be together in these holy days of the week. I am happy that I was able to spent time with my wife, daughter and house companions.
The Holy Week is the only long vacation that I have for this year. That is why I made it sure that I stay at home with my wife and daughter, Ara. Good Friday was a test of our dedication for the lenten Season. We only cooked and ate Arrozcaldo with chicken. I also prepared Misua soup with egg alone.
In Saturday, I was driving my car when I saw this tyre shop selling tyre mags. I thought that I needed a big change so I told my wife that we needed to change our wheel mags so that our car would look good. Thank God she agreed with me. I told the storekeeper that I will get the rims that I wanted. Since it is a black Saturday, I opeted to make the mag change on the next day.
Sunday arrives. It is already early morning. Approximately around 3 am. We all here in the house are all awake and preparing ourselves for the "Sugat". This is the finale of the Holy Week. Here Jesus Christ is alive once more. It is the first time that I was able to start the event. It is because last year, we arrived late and the only thing we got are few flowers that the angels toss to the people around.
There is a big difference between the Holy Week right and the Holy Week 15 years ago. I remembered that there was no channel on TV that we can watch. No radio station playing their songs on air and the most sad part is that there are no place to go except to stay at home until the Holy Week is finished. But now, Holy Week is celebrate in places like resorts and mountain trails. I forgot to mention that we went to the beach last Easter Sunday with my family and cousins. People have many choices where to go. The inportant thing about Holy Week is that family must be together in these holy days of the week. I am happy that I was able to spent time with my wife, daughter and house companions.