Friday, September 30, 2011


When my daughter was already 7 months old, we noticed that she can already recognize things and even stuff toys that she plays with. But among her toys, one stuff toy stand out among others and that is her Dora the Explorer stuff toy. Ara loves her Dora stuff toy because when we touch her toy Dora, she would cry. Even when she goes to bed, her Dora must be beside her or else, sleeping time will be extended.

Ara is so fond with Dora the explorer. Her pillows are all marked with Dora. She hugs her Dora stuff toy often and she never lets her Dora out of her sight. Now that Ara is already 1 year old and 2 months, still she is very delighted to see and hug her Dora the explorer stuff toy. Her first balloon is also marked with Dora. I guess the Dora fever really lingers in every child.