Being a nurse and working in a hospital can be fun and exciting, especially at night. Since nurses have to work on a shirting basis, that is why they make use of the time they had in the morning and have the energy to survive as they do their night shift in the hospital where they are working. As a nurse, I have to be in the fashion trend always and must be updated with the fashion and other things that I am interested in doing. I always check out, the site for nurses like me needs. What I like about Scrubs is that it features all the things that I like about, especially in my nursing job. Reading the articles in the site helped me realized how important my job is as a nurse. Before I had some questions in my mind about the profession that I chose to have. I remember reading a story at about the mother, the nurse story. It was very inspirational and hearth warming story for me. It is a honor to be a nurse and be an instrument of those people for their fast recovery. If I will be given the chance to choose again what profession I am gonna take, I will still choose to be a nurse. It is something I can be proud of.