Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I was visited by my brother and showed me something. It was a apple MP4 colored black-gray. It has an eight gigabyte storage capacity. Capable of storing around 10,000 songs and several videos. I checked the price of the MP4 and it is around 9,000 pesos.

The first model of the start of the mp3 era started when Apple introduced the first and smallest mp3 player capable of storing 1000 songs and more. It was the Ipod Shuffle. At the present the market price of this mp3 gadget is around 1,800 to 2,500. Download songs using itunes. After that another new technology was launched. It was the MP4 units. The difference between the mp3 and the mp4 is that the Mp4 has a small screen. You can watch and play videos using the MP4 units.The are also China made MP3 and MP4 and even MP5. The Mp5 can capture images and videos. This units are bigger in size and have more storage capacity. The bigger the size the better.