Sunday, January 25, 2009


I believe that the year of the ox is the best year to start a business. It is because the time is bullish! It means that it's a good time to invest. This is a term that is widely used in every stock exchange in the world.

For this year, it is advised that to start a business that is related to the Ox. For what kind of business, that is your duty to look for one. The year of the Ox is said to be the year of the aggressive and strong spirited people. The current world financial crisis is a challenge for this year. the question is that will the Barack administration overcome the crisis and lead America to better grounds. In my opinion, there are so many things to be done in order to get away from the quicksand of this crisis right now.

It might not be this time, but hopefully we can overcome this crisis. many industries are closing their operations because of the crisis. In this time of crisis, we need not to rely on others but it is the best and right time to create new opportunities for others.