Sunday, January 18, 2009


This morning I went to Our Lady of Ascension Parish to witness the baptism of the son of my friend. There were 10 children to be baptized this morning and all the Godparents sat at the the chairs at the back. I have been invited before to this kind of occasion. But this baptismal is different from the others.

from the start of the rite, the priest announced the importance of the witnesses and being Godparents is a big responsibility to the child being baptized. Guidance and prayers must always be present. There was a story by the priest about his life and his Godparents. He has two ninongs. The first was very generous in giving gifts to him and other material things, even money. The other one was not very visible to him. When he announced his plan to be a priest, his second ninong called him ans asked him about his plan. After knowing his plan, his ninong told him that he is very happy and proud of him. His ninong told him that he supports him and will always pray for him. That was the best gift he received from his ninong. it was any material things. But something beyond that.

Christians are required to be baptised. It is one of the sacraments that must be uphold and followed. For me, baptism is the start of welcoming Jesus Christ into ones life.