Tuesday, August 26, 2008


PC gaming was wide and rampant in the early to almost late 90's. I would say this is due to the fact PC's were in every household in the U.S. So if there was a pc in every house why not put your game in the pc and sell to everybody. It also was the only way to game online making it prime choice for the gaming community.

But that's also only if you had the rig and correct setup. Your parents pc usually didn't work to a gamer's satisfaction. PC's became way more common place in the 2k year's but so did consoles. Consoles were limited to peer to peer and way less than mediocre graphics compared to the pc's super processors at the time.

So what happens when consoles become a household item, graphics start to surpass the computers and gaming online is no longer exclusive? A formidable opponent is created and people start to question why would I need to get on the computer to game anymore? This has been the topic of great debate almost every year at E3 as less and less pc games are shown.

The only light that burns for the pc is that every once and awhile an exclusive title is shown that consoles can't match. The biggest problem in this setup is that if your computer isn't $5,000 you can't play that super ultra great graphic heavy shooter thing. So what do you do? You play your XBOX or PS3 which currently has the best game of all time on it.

Where does that leave your pc? On the desk ready to surf the internet for your local console gaming news. The truth is the pc will not die, anytime soon, eventually yes it will. MMO's are the pc's bread and butter right now because that's the last of what consoles can't do and kinda sorta rts's but they can be done. When consoles become memory heavy and have enough room to run an MMO, you will just take your keyboard if needed and attach it to your system. That's when the pc will cease to exist as a gaming medium and will reside as a media device.