Tuesday, August 26, 2008


When one realizes they have a yeast infection, they frantically want to know 'What can I do to help my yeast infection?' and look desperately for a solution. This becomes more so a reality when it isn't a first infection, but a recurring yeast infection - which just won't go away.

Unfortunately there is a lot of bad advice out there that really works at combating the symptoms as opposed to the underlying problem - leaving the individual vulnerable to yet another infection coming back. Some advice is to cut out fruit, or eat garlic, or a number of other things that really may help the symptoms but will not prevent future outbreaks.

In reality sugar or eating fruit isn't the cause of your yeast infection. It is the fat in your diet that is causing your problems.

How so?

Candida naturally grows in all of us - it is in some respects a life-saving organism. When we eat fat it can take several hours or a couple of days to digest. Fat is very hard to digest. A a result it will stay in the blood instead of being passed to our cells to nourish them. When we eat anything sugary like fruit (which is easier to digest) the sugar gets stuck in our blood because the fat prevents it from moving into the cells. As a result we have a high blood sugar level and the only way to bring it down is the Candida organism. The Candida eats the sugar (multiplying) bringing our sugar levels down to a safe level.

If we constantly have a high diet of fat, this keeps occurring and our Candida organisms population growth stays high to help us keep our sugar levels at a safe level.

So what can I do to help a yeast infection? Cut down the fat in your diet!

If you want to be rid of yeast infections for good, cut your fat intake down to 10% of your totally calories you consume (we need some fat in our diet).

A diet high in fruit consumption but low in fat is your answer to improving your health and combating that yeast infection for good.