Friday, November 6, 2009


I was sitting in the bus this afternoon on my way home when I noticed one lady across me reading something. I not ognorant of seeing somebody reading in the bus. But what was more interesting to see is that she was reading an entrepreneur book or it was a magazine. What was more motivating as I was watching her was the line that says: in times of financial difficulty that the world is experiencing right now, it would be best to try entrepreneurship.

I think that magazine is really a good one to read because of the motivation that it gives to the reader. I think that is right. In times like this, we need to invest. As many loses their jobs because of mass lay-off, entrepreneurship is the best option that we have right now as we face the opportunities ahead of us.

It is very easy to say to engage in entrepreneurship. But the problem is, what type of business are you going to engage? Basically, that is an easy question to answer. What is you passion or thing you like to do? The answer to that question is the best business you can engage to. Let us be business people and not just workers.