Sunday, December 5, 2010


This morning, I got a call from a gold coin trader. He called me just to inform me that the price of gold and other precious metals have increased and he asked me if I was selling my gold coins. I have been collecting gold and silver coins for a quite a long time already. This hobby is now my business because in trading of these precious metals I earned a lot. It all started when I was in college and my friend in Canada told me to buy gold coins and other precious metals. That time, I was just collecting simple currency coins of many countries. My friend told me that this simple collection will soon be my business. I never expected that prediction will be a reality after I made a trade with other gold coin trader. After that trade, the rest was history. What is good about this collection the precious metals that I traded are highly in demand around the world. As the demand arises, the re is a corresponding increase in value of my precious metal collection. Now that the price of gold is high in the market, I better wait until it reaches its peak before I sell some of my coins.