Saturday, November 27, 2010


My cousins are here right now to watch a sabong match. Sabong is a term used by locals for a cock fighting. Chickens are raised to be fighting cocks. Here in the Philippines, sabong is maybe the oldest gambling ever created and still going strong. Many government officials are into this sport because of the huge pot money and betting involve in the game cock sport. I remembered visiting my uncles in the province and they all love sabong so much. It really runs in the family. My brother now has around 20 chickens in his backyard and there still more in his friends house in another place. He still consider it small because until now, he still buys chickens and breeds his own too. He has a schedule fight today in the big fighting cock arena. A fighting cock arena is called sabongan. The fight schedule will be at 9 am and we need to be there early. My cousins are very excited to be inside the sabongan because it is there first time to be inside.