Sunday, October 24, 2010


I woke up this morning early and I turned off the air conditioner because it was already cold inside the room. I noticed that the windows are in moist with the cool air outside and the entire neighborhood is asleep without a sound. I can see the lights of our neighbor's Christmas tree lighting. I immediately thought about Christmas season. approximately around 62 days to go before Christmas. The malls are already decorating Christmas lanterns and trees for the yuletide season.

Christmas is one of my favorite season because everything is peaceful and warm greetings are always in your way. When I was a child, when it is already a BER month, I will initiate the decorating of our small Christmas tree. We wrap gifts even there is no present inside the gift. It was just pure accessories for the Christmas tree that we have. Now that Christmas is approaching, Christmas cards and other things will be sent to love ones and that is the spirit of Christmas. It is a season of giving and sharing. bringing families closer to one another. For sure, Christmas is just around the corner.