Thursday, September 9, 2010


This morning. president elect, Noy Aquino with media from various television networks talks about the failed hostage crisis that killed 8 Hong Kong nationals. It was an event that many are waiting to hear from the president. At present, the investigation is still on-going. President Noy Aquino told the press that he was informed wrongly by the police force. He was told that the special action force will do the recovery of hostages and not the Manila SWAT team, who was also liable for the death of the Hong Kong nationals. President Noy Aquino was very angry to the police force because of the wrong information that was sent to him.

The hostage drama that lasted 11 hours was just a proof that the Manila SWAT group is just a bunch of show guys with no action at all. In an hostage crisis, there should be a negotiator that will be always in contact with the hostage taker. In that hostage crisis, there was no negotiator and none of them was trained to be a negotiator. In a movie, the ending is best when the guns go blazing but in a real hostage scene the best way is a peaceful surrender of the hostage taker. The Manila SWAT has lost it reputation in the hostage crisis last August.