In this generation, many people and even companies right now own a website. But having a website is not enough. Website owners must have a reliable web hosting service for their websites. There are many available webhosting for websites right now. When it comes to web hosting service, many rely on vpswebhosting as a source of information in picking the right web hosting service for for their websites. Considering the number of web hosting companies right now, owners of websites should get the right information about the web hosting service that they will be using. Lat year, a compnay contracted Firelynx & Weblinkx to make a website for a company that is engaged in RTW clothes. After creating the website, the client opted to stand alone and selected a webhosting service from another company. After several weeks, that company went back to Firelynx & Weblinkx for site maintenance because the owner was having problem with the site visitors or traffic of the site. The web hosting serice that the client selected was not suitable for the website because it cannot suatain the swarm of visitors in the website. What Firelynx & Weblinkx suggested was to visit vps web hosting to select the right web hosting for the clothing website. After having the right web hosting srvice for the website, the clothing site never experienced another problem with the swarm of visitors.