Friday, February 20, 2009


I received an email from my wife and she wanted me to open it and read it immediately. I was worried about the email that she sent me. I was thinking of some thing, like a problem that needs to be acted immediately. As I was checking my email, I saw the email that she sent me. I clicked it and start reading the email. It was an email from her user account in their company informing me that her access pass for her account was changed. I thought I was the one being blamed about it. As I was reading the later part of the email, I saw nothing wrong with it. I asked my wife whats the problem with this email. She told me to read it again, if don't see any problem with it. I thought I was missing between the lines, so I read the mail that she sent me again. I thought it was a proof reading session again because she always let me read things, even how small it is. After reading it again, I told my wife that I thing there was no error in the email. She told me to look at the user name title. Before it was Palero and now Rojas, my family name. Their Human Resource department has already changed her status and she now uses my family name.