I bought this herbicide to clean up our backyard because the grasses are already trees. Thats just figuratively speaking. But honestly our backyard needs to be clean up. I tried using the bolo and other cutting tools but it never worked. I also contacted somebody to cut the grasses but they declined when they saw the area to be clean. This product is from Mosanto Chemical Inc. The product name is power and the pack beside this chemical is....I don't know what it is. The chemical supply shop where I bought the product to use this so that the chemical would stick to the leaves of the grasses. The product has a detailed instructions at the back and this is for 16 liters tank. 18 tablespoons of this chemical for 16 liters of water. I tried spaying this chemical into the grasses at the front area and the result was excellent. Now I will try this at the rare part of the house where the grasses are already trees. Wish me luck guys!