Monday, May 5, 2008


Long hair makes a woman feel feminine and glamorous. Most men love long hair. Many women have long unkempt hair because they think their man will be furious if they have it cut off!

Long, shiny, healthy hair is the ultimate accessory. However, for many of us, expensive salons are out of our reach. So how do we grow our hair long?

Hair grows from the follicles in your scalp and grows in a random pattern. There will be live hair growing and also hair lying dormant which will eventually fall out. Hair grows approximately half an inch per month.

Hair that doesn't seem to grow very long can unfortunately be down to the type of hair you have, for example curly, rather than it being poorly treated. However, a lot of people do mistreat their hair and there are lots of things you can do and treatments you can use to ensure your hair grows healthy.

All growing hair splits because when the hair becomes dry, it starts to unravel like a rope. The only thing you can do to get rid of split ends is to cut them off to prevent further damage to the hair. Many people are afraid to have this done in case their hair is cut too short. Removing split ends yourself is pretty simple to do. Hold the hair about half an inch in diameter thickness and twist between your fingers until you see the damaged ends. Snip off the split hair and other damaged hair with the tip of the scissors. If you move around your hair in this way you will remove the split ends but not cut any length off your hair.

Other treatments you can use are heat conditioning treatments. When blow drying or using hot hair straighteners or tongs and rollers always use a heat protector spray.